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SAHANA, known professionally as "herecomesthecloud," is an Indian artist based in Edinburgh, known for her striking line art that intricately captures the textures of the natural world.  Drawing from a deep sense of vintage pop art nostalgia, she employs bold & minimalist line work, weaving through vibrant retro poster colors to infuse her work with a sense of  tenacity and vitality.

Her signature line sculpting technique, where the thick contour lines prolifically engendering into an arboreal latticing, brings her subjects to life. She creates minimalistic yet textural & vivid expressions that resonate powerfully with the viewers.


Sahana holds degrees from the Edinburgh College of Art and the Srishti School of Art, Design, and Technology, grounding her work in a rich foundation of artistic education and diverse cultural influences.


As a cynophile and ecophile, she tries to convey environmental and zoetic stewardship. She evolved her bold lined style of illustration through the live drawings of elaborate textures and patterns of the natural world, including the playful zigzag of kiwi's fur coat. Over the years she's drawn her Inspiration from  rock music & pop art icons  including young and sick, Roy Lichtenstein, and 70's singer Paul McCartney.


Currently,  her creative expertise spans multiple domains including merchandise and event branding, editorial illustration, music and film.



Creative Director​












United Nations development program

National biodiversity authority India​

Srishti films

Children of Scotland

Safe Harvest 

Muzico studio










New Designers, London 2023 

Graduate showcase Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh 2023









Sustainable craft workshop, Edinburgh college of art 2023







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